Program Line Counter

Count program code's lines without comments. Supports C/C++, BASIC, assembler, and FORTRAN.

Download : lines.exe 2.20 for DOS32 (27KB)

-------- Usage --------

Program Line Counter  LINES Version 2.20 for DOS32
Copyright (C) Tama Software Ltd., 1991-1997.

Usage > lines <path>... [/c|/cc|/cb|/ca|/cf] [/subdir] [/hidden]
      > lines /?
<path>   target files (wildcald available)
/c       consider comments (decide programming language by file extension)
/cc      consider C/C++ type comments
/cb      consider BASIC type comments
/ca      consider assembler type comments
/cf      consider FORTRAN type comments
/subdir  process files in subdirectories, too
/hidden  process hidden files, too
/?       description

LINES is a utility to count lines of text files, considering comment only
lines. There are these options.

/c : by file extension
  C, CPP, H, RC      -> LINES considers C/C++ type comments.
  BAS, FRM, CLS, CTL -> LINES considers BASIC type comments.
  ASM, INC           -> LINES considers assembler type comments.
  FOR                -> LINES considers FORTRAN type comments.
/cc : C/C++
  Characters between "/*" and "*/", or between "//" and end-of-line 
  are considered as comment.
/cb : BASIC
  Characters between "'" and end-of-line are considered as comment.
/ca : assembler
  Characters between ";" and end-of-line are considered as comment.
  LINES cannot parse COMMENT statement.
  Lines with non space first column are considered as comment line.

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