Download : fctime.exe 2.21 for DOS16 (10KB)
-------- Usage -------- Usage > FCTIME <src> <dst> [<sel>... [<com>...] [<trg>]] > FCTIME /? <src> compare source path (copy source, delete target) <dst> compare destination directory (copy destination) <sel> selection : /N(new) | /U(updated) | /S(same) | /O(old) <com> action : /C(copy) | /D(delete) <trg> copy destination directory (default copy destination is <dst>) /? description Command Examples: > FCTIME A: B: compare A: and B:, then display all result. > FCTIME A: B: /U compare A: and B:, then display only updated files. > FCTIME /U A: B: compare A: and B:, then display only updated files. > FCTIME A: B: /UC compare A: and B:, then copy only updated files. > FCTIME A: B: /U /C compare A: and B:, then copy only updated files. > FCTIME A: B: /SD delete files in A: that has same name file in B:. > FCTIME A: B: C: /NCD move files in A: without same name file in B: to C:. > FCTIME A:*.TXT B: compare A:*.TXT files to B:. > FCTIME . C:\DIR compare current directory's files to C:\SUB files.